Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (read last August)
LOVED the beginning. The book started with the happy ending, a
nd I savored every bit of it, slowly, waiting for everything to go horribly, horribly wrong. Best line in the book came in the middle: "And then Bella vomited a fountain of blood." I actually stopped there and reread the beginning, wanting to save all the sweet horrors of the second half of the book for as long as possible. Man was I disappointed. No one died, and Bella turned into a perfect person with no problems. Not even bloodlust. Nothing dramatic happened, and the volturi problem wasn't even taken care of forever. And Renesme is so perfect it's sickening. I am not as enamored with Twilight as I was when I last posted to this blog. Not at all.

Temeraire, Books 1 and 2 by Naomi Novik (read sometime last fall)
Nice plot structure, good ideas, great potential... I really wanted to care about this one. But in the end it fell flat, and I read the final battle without engagement, not really caring who won or lost. Read the 2nd one for the sake of her world, and I was hoping she'd improve in characterisation, but still found myself just not caring. (And I so wanted these to be good- perhaps some of you are not as picky?)

Dragon and Liberator (Dragonback #6) by Timothy Zahn (read last Christmas Break)
Finally, a satisfying conclusion to a fantasy/sci-fi series! (If you haven't heard of it, this one is like High fantasy- in space! Start with Dragon and Thief) High-paced action right till the end, and he actually ties in everything from the five preceding books. Zahn is a master, and it was so refreshing to watch him work, after all the other stuff I've been reading lately. Sure I would have appreciated more of a wind-down at the end, he could have spent some more time with his characters after the crisis, but he did just enough to keep me happy. I've been reading these books as they came out, one a year for the past 6 years, and I put down the final one feeling full. Thank you, Mr Zahn.
Wow, I just realized I have about three drafts saved from last summer that never got published. So instead of saving this for later when I can tweak the writing and add even more book reviews, I'm gonna publish it RIGHT NOW and write another one for later.
I know I don't have any readers, but if anyone stumbles across this (or follows the link I'm about to post in my facebook status), thanks for reading. Let me know if you found anything interesting, want to talk about anything, or have any suggestions/critique/insults for me.
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