Monday, May 12, 2008

Let's Start

Hello Friends.
Welcome! I had the rare chance to spend a few hours inside Borders the other day, and it occurred to me that I would be very happy to have a job reviewing new Science Fiction and Fantasy. I am a true romantic, and I feel that myth is often the best place to find truth. There are, however, a great deal of crappy books in the genre. When I read something that is sub-par, sometimes I feel the need to analyze just what went wrong, with the purpose of avoiding such mistakes myself. I have decided to create this blog to give me a place to put such analysis, and it will also serve as a general place to let me explore everything about the Science Fiction and Fantasy Industry. I'm majoring in illustration, so the covers are just as important to me as the stories.
Enough mission-statement babble. This will become what it will become, and I hope you enjoy it.

Some excellent writers:
J.R.R. Tolkien- He is the god of fantasy writing. This will always be so.
Orson Scott Card- My current favourite. Well-known for Ender's Game.
Patricia McKillip- She has a dreamy style, a very immersive take on high fantasy. I've yet to be disappointed.

Recent Aquisitions:
The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card
The Hound of Rowan: Book one of The Tapestry by Henry H. Neff  (a very pretty book for young readers. Expect full review soon.)

Eagerly Awaiting:
Breaking Dawn: The Twilight Saga, Book 4 by Stephanie Meyer- August 2

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